pregnancy calendar

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This morning was marvelous!

Soooo, this morning while getting ready for school, I sat down to email my momma. I was wearing regular jeans with a belt. While typing to her, I felt something in my lower abdomen ... it felt as if a hampster had thrown it's body against the front of my stomach. Where as past feelings were written off as pregnancy gas, there was no mistaking what I felt this morning! It was quite amazing actually; it certainly brightened my day from yesterday (a little) :-)and made gaining weight worth while for once hehe.

On another note; according to my health instructor and classmates, I am either super in love or flat out crazy?! While in health class discussing 'healthy relationships', we were asked "if you had a bad day and/or are upset, who do you confide in? Your best friend or your lover?". Of course the instructor called on me (without my volunteering) and I replied "well, Brian IS my best friend AND my lover so I am unable to answer that". This apparently disturbed a few people (well, the whole class) because afterwards, an argument arose. Apparently 95% of people would rather confide in a best friend versus a family member or lover. I personally do NOT confide solely in anyone other than my mother and Brian and I certainly would not talk with anyone about anything in which I had not already spoken to Brain about. Their theory in this was that you can trust your "BFF" more than your "lover". If this were true, why be with your lover? Are you not supposed to choose a mate for whom can also serve as your best friend?

According to the TEXT book:

Friendship is: Enjoyment, Acceptance, Mutual Trust, Respect, Mutual Assistance, Confiding, Understanding, and Spontaneity.

Lover is: Fassination, Exclusiveness, Sexual Desire, Giving the Utmost, and Being a Campion or Advocate.

Do these definitions not seem off to you?!

Another thing that was stated was, and I quote, "men are UNABLE to give advice and/or sooth a woman." This was something I felt the need to debate because while some men are completely ignorant, not all men are! When I am overly stressed or upset, I specifically call Brian because he knows what to say to calm me down. He may not always know the "fix" to things but he knows how to calm me and rationalize with me.

I find this class to be focused on the relationships we had in highschool and not in the real world! On Tuesday we are discussing Pregnancy, Contraceptives, and Abortion ... I cannot wait to see what some idiotic person says to make me angry in this one!!!