pregnancy calendar

Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 MONTHS!!!!

YaY! We have made it [successfully] to FIVE MONTHS! I went for my 20 week check up today and weighed in at 127 pounds which means I have gained only 8-9 pounds. He expects me to gain 1 pound per week from here on out which would put me at 28-29 pounds by the end. Today, Piper's heartbeat was 145 beats per minute ♥ I also received the results from labs and measurements that were taken on October 9th, 2009 [at 18 weeks and 2 days].

♥ Amniotic Fluid - within normal limits
♥ Femur Length - 18w3d
♥ Abdominal Circumference - 18w3d
♥ Head Circumference - 17w5d
♥ BPD - 18w2d
♥ Fetal Weight - 233 grams [8 ounces]
♥ Intracranial Anatomy - Normal
♥ Spine - Normal
♥ Fetal Face - Normal
♥ Ventricular Outflow Tracts - Normal
♥ Four Cham Bered Heart - Normal
♥ Three VC - Normal
♥ Stomach - Normal
♥ Bladder - Normal
♥ Kidneys - Normal
♥ Extremities - Normal
♥ Sex - Female
♥ Cervix Length - 3.3cm
♥ Appropriate Growth - NORMAL
♥ Down Syndrome - Negative
♥ Cystic Fibrosis - Negative

Today my stomach measured 20cm from the top of my uterus to my pubic bone which is right on target because it is 1cm per week of pregnancy ... which also means that by 40 weeks, that number will have doubled :-( I don't see how in the world that is possible!

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

This morning was marvelous!

Soooo, this morning while getting ready for school, I sat down to email my momma. I was wearing regular jeans with a belt. While typing to her, I felt something in my lower abdomen ... it felt as if a hampster had thrown it's body against the front of my stomach. Where as past feelings were written off as pregnancy gas, there was no mistaking what I felt this morning! It was quite amazing actually; it certainly brightened my day from yesterday (a little) :-)and made gaining weight worth while for once hehe.

On another note; according to my health instructor and classmates, I am either super in love or flat out crazy?! While in health class discussing 'healthy relationships', we were asked "if you had a bad day and/or are upset, who do you confide in? Your best friend or your lover?". Of course the instructor called on me (without my volunteering) and I replied "well, Brian IS my best friend AND my lover so I am unable to answer that". This apparently disturbed a few people (well, the whole class) because afterwards, an argument arose. Apparently 95% of people would rather confide in a best friend versus a family member or lover. I personally do NOT confide solely in anyone other than my mother and Brian and I certainly would not talk with anyone about anything in which I had not already spoken to Brain about. Their theory in this was that you can trust your "BFF" more than your "lover". If this were true, why be with your lover? Are you not supposed to choose a mate for whom can also serve as your best friend?

According to the TEXT book:

Friendship is: Enjoyment, Acceptance, Mutual Trust, Respect, Mutual Assistance, Confiding, Understanding, and Spontaneity.

Lover is: Fassination, Exclusiveness, Sexual Desire, Giving the Utmost, and Being a Campion or Advocate.

Do these definitions not seem off to you?!

Another thing that was stated was, and I quote, "men are UNABLE to give advice and/or sooth a woman." This was something I felt the need to debate because while some men are completely ignorant, not all men are! When I am overly stressed or upset, I specifically call Brian because he knows what to say to calm me down. He may not always know the "fix" to things but he knows how to calm me and rationalize with me.

I find this class to be focused on the relationships we had in highschool and not in the real world! On Tuesday we are discussing Pregnancy, Contraceptives, and Abortion ... I cannot wait to see what some idiotic person says to make me angry in this one!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

19 Weeks!

Today we are 19 weeks pregnant with baby Piper Rae Biggers!!! One more week and we will be 5 months pregnant, can you believe it?! I sure can't! Never in a million years would I have thought that October 14th, 2009 at the age of 23, I would be almost 5 months pregnant. I always invisioned being pregnant with my first child around ages 25-27 but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and we are going to get through all of this. As Brian constantly tells me "Ashlee, you should know by now that we always take the roads full of curves and bumps but somehow we always come out on top. This will pass too." :-) He says we compliment each other and he is correct, we do. I pick up his weaknesses and he picks up mine ... better yet, he helps me get through mine. My weakness seems to be stressing out over every little thing. I just feel like I've fought so hard over the past 11 years and I am waiting to reap the benefits whereas other people breeze on through life without a care in the world knowing that someone will be there to pick them up and get instant satisfaction.

I learn more and more everyday what I have always been told, which is, "life is tough" and I now wish I could take back all the times I wanted to grow up so badly! It's really not as great as you people made it seem :-/

Hope you guys have a great week! Keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to feel Piper one day soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pictures of Piper

Here is a link to a photo album of all of the pictures of Piper Rae!

Piper Rae Biggers

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

follow me...

I started this blog so that family & friends who didn't have a myspace or facebook could keep up to date with our pregnancy and watch me grow. I hope you all enjoy.

At our last doctors appointment Friday, October 9th, 2009, we confirmed that the stubborn little thing is in fact a girl!! I know you are all very excited about that b/c we have a lot of boys! She weighs around 8 ounces and is 6 to 7 inches long! She is growing normal, looks normal, and has already flipped upside down to get ready for birth! Talk about planning ahead!! :-) Piper's heartbeat is 145, which is pretty low for a girl but I guess that goes to show you cannot go by wives tales! Our next doctors appointment is October 22nd at 4:15pm.