I am really starting to enjoy this couponing thing. It takes a lot of time and I have a lot to learn but so far, my time and efforts have really paid off!! Being 31 weeks pregnant and living on one income (not so great at that), we must do everything in our power to save money. Me saving $199.78 is equivalent to me MAKING $199.78! Hopefully I will do well over the next few days as well ... I have a lot of trips to make since you can only use 20 coupons per VIC card per day and 3 of the same coupon. Several I have 4 or 5 of because I really like the item. Poor Brian went with me this morning at 6:00am so we could use more coupons and save me a trip later ... and insure that we get most of what the really good deals were. Going back today at 2:30 with my Krystal <3<3
(4) Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
(6) Boxes of Band-Aid Bandages
(2) Boxes of Johnson's Gauze Pads
(5) Air Wick Hidden Pleasures Oil Warmers
(10) Air Wick Oil Refills
(5) Boxes of Gortons Popcorn Shrimp
(4) Bags of Ore Ida French Fries
(3) Packages of Uncle Ben's Ready Rice
(5) Box of Uncle Ben's White Rice
(1) Bottle of Bayer Aspirin
(4) 20oz Bottles of Heinz Ketchup
(2) Blistex Medicated Lip Balm
(7) 16oz Bottles of Coffemate Creamer
(1) 20lb Box of Fresh Step Cat Litter
(3) Bottles of Spot Shot Pet Instant Stain Remover
62 Items
Grand Total: $252.09
Coupons and VIC Savings: $199.78
Total Spent: $52.31 :-D