Wednesday, December 30, 2009
11 Years Ago I was Dieing, Today I am 30 Weeks Pregnant!
11 years ago, December 30th, 1998, I was fighting to stay alive. Today I am exactly 30 weeks pregnant. To me, this is a miracle and the number "30" is quite coincidental if you ask me! That day was THE worst day of my entire life and it ruined everything. From then on I have been in pain everday and it only worsens, I've had to be on a ton of medicine, go to a ton of doctors, try so much harder in school to get B's and C's, AND it caused a family member whom I love dearly to resent me for something that is not my fault and is a complete misconception on his part. I would give up everything I am and everything I have to delete that day from my life.