Today was a very big day in my life! I don't mention it for attention or fame, it is the day that made me who I am today. Because of December 30th, 1998, I am a survivor. I am strong and I believe I can make it through whatever life throws my way ... I have proven that. I beat all odds on that day. Because of that event, I am not a person who backs down to people, I am yet a person who strives to prove people wrong and so far, I have done just that.
Doctors statements:
You will never graduate highschool, much less college. I graduated highschool EARLY with a 3.7GPA and took "College Prep" courses when I was supposed to be placed in "basic" courses and now I am 4 classes away from a college degree and currently have a 3.8GPA
You will never walk again. I beat that one a LONG time ago!
You will never be able to have a decent job. I've had a job of some sort since I was 12 years old and for the past 6 years, they have been "real" jobs (as the doctors would say) ... teacher, office manager, HR manager, etc..
You will not be able to conceive or carry a baby. Today marks 30 weeks of pregnancy with Miss Piper Rae
People with these types of head injuries usually only live 3 years. 11 years and counting
It is because of the doctors telling me I could not do things, that I strive to be the best I can be. It is very tough to hear such discouraging remarks when you are that age but now I can successfully say that I have proved them wrong on EVERYTHING they have EVER said to me and I am very proud of myself for that!
Today I conquered a fear of mine and left the house on this day ... I made it home (in the rain) all in one piece and can now say I DID IT! This is a big step for me, usually I sit in a room and cry by myself all day thinking about the "what if's". What if that had not happened? Where would I be? What does it feel like to be "normal" and not have all of these precautions in your life? What does it feel like to not be in any kind of pain??? I have not had a completely pain free day in 11 years! Brian was a great help this year ... he supported anything I wanted to do and helped me achieve my goal of "getting out the house". I love him so very much!
I am HAPPY to say that I only have 10 weeks of pregnancy remaining!! I cannot wait to have my medicine back ... this has been just awful!!Piper is a healthy baby and VERY active in my belly. We are all suprised that we are 30 weeks along already and everything is going okay comparatively. Piper will be a very loved little girl on both sides of the family .... she has 3 nurseries already :-D She can choose where she wants to live haha. She is perfect! Brian could not be more happy, nor could the grandparents. She is definitly an unplanned blessing!